The Radical Singularity. Essay on Singular Phenomena

When the gene is liberated from the chromosome, it becomes information.

When sex is liberated from biology, it becomes gender.

When thought is liberated from the human being, it becomes artificial intelligence.

When humanism is liberated from the human, it becomes posthumanism.

When events are liberated from the real, they become media.

When the world is liberated from reality, it becomes virtual reality.

In all orders, the technique directs the whole process of liberation.

Liberation may be a policy for technological purposes, but it is also a technology for political purposes. Liberation fights are, in essence, mechanisms of control. Today, the defence of diversity is nothing more than another form of centralised production of differences, which makes the different something accessible by removing its true alterity and making it fall (like everything else) into the laws of the market, into the logic of supply and demand. All the mobilisations of liberation dilations of the dead body of the Marxist dialectic which only maintain the form of the dialectic but not the content. They are Marxisms translated from the economic order to the cultural order (Lind), materialised in the form of struggles: struggles for freedom that ultimately become precisely another form of coercion. Even the rebellion of the proletariat (or the original Marxism) against the capitalists was the demand of a majority over a minority. Today, on the contrary, we are witnessing the imposition of the rights of a minority over the majority, basically a polar mechanism of two minorities: global elites and minority groups. Thus, the social body between the two poles (the true majority) is totally annihilated by the interests of the two poles, in a new political megastructure that has altered the natural order of things.