The Radical Singularity. Essay on Singular Phenomena

When nothing is beautiful or ugly anymore, art disappears; when nothing is male or female, biology disappears; when nothing is natural or artificial, the human disappears. The epitome of indefiniteness therefore leads to indifference.

Nothing matters anymore. Indifferent and undifferentiated, total and radical relativity. When things lose their essence or their concept, nothing is what it is. Liberation has no past; its quality is indeterminacy (of space, time, body, the human being, art, totality). But this conglomerate of demands for liberation is offered as human rights. But not even Plato or Aristotle spoke of rights, but rather they spoke of the good and of human happiness and, as a consequence, of the duties and virtues needed to achieve them. It is a paradox that natural rights are necessary today but are based on completely unnatural foundations (as Rousseau writes, it is precisely ignorance of human nature that dispels the true definition of natural law). The contemporary use of the term «rights» is totally emptied of that divine, natural and transcendental meaning (as Watson says, reaching totally absurd extremes). When the rights (of the masses) and the interests (of power) merge, freedom becomes another available capital, and one passes from the right to freedom to the categorical imperative of liberation.