Westward. Encounters with Swiss American Women

Out of gratitude Rosa has also been involved for many years in the Presbyterian Church in her neighborhood. “If we want a church in America, we have to take care of it ourselves. I am grateful for my life and like to give something back. I feel that many things come back to me – in a positive way.”

Rosa is involved in the church in various functions and for some years has even participated in its homeless shelter program. “It does take a real effort to spend the night in the lower level of the church looking after up to twelve homeless men by myself. These men of different ages, who are sent to us by the city, are given a roof over their head, a clean bed and a light breakfast at 6 a.m.”

She says that she asks herself again and again why she is doing this. “But when I am returning to my apartment after such a night, I truly feel that I did something positive, and that I myself have a little piece of heaven on earth and am fortunate that I did not end up on the street.” Volunteer social service is simply part of life in the United States. “Every man and every woman does what is possible within their means.”