Westward. Encounters with Swiss American Women

In 1954 television in Switzerland was still in its infancy. Linda Geiser was full of enthusiasm for this new medium that had already been well established in America. “With our entire ensemble we drove from Bern to the Bellerive Studio in Zurich. We were given a contract for Oscar Wilde’s play An Ideal Husband in which I played the part of Mabel. At that time Swiss television could not yet afford its own productions.

“On the way to Zurich all our costumes were stolen from our truck. Thus in great haste and agitation we had to organize costumes for the ensemble. The play was broadcast live – the viewers saw each mistake, heard each slip of the tongue! Later I also experienced such TV theater productions in Hamburg and Berlin. They were always connected with great agitation. Oh God! Actors who had trouble learning the text never wanted to do television. This did not bother me; fortunately I have a photographic memory. I look at the texts and then remember them. In general I have little stage fright. Actually it is good to be nervous before a performance because it helps to build up energy and vibes.”