The Island of Golden Zandolie 4. The Blue Blood

Denis was the most courageous, even insane dreamer and the source of the most “out of this world” hypotheses, who always led them all in search of the truth, and he himself discovered a lot He always dreamed of aliens, and he finally found them!

And she, Zina, stole his discoveries from him… and from everyone else! It seemed to her then, that this was a humane act. They all went through a lot of terrible things together! Zina herself wanted to start life from scratch…

And she gave her friends a second chance too… Did she have the right to decide for them?

She deceived Denis by not reminding him of their marriage.

She did not tell Julia that in the past she wrote great science fiction novels, so that she would not find hints of her past strange adventures in her books…

She did not remind the French anthropologist Jean-Paul of a number of amazing discoveries that he had already made during his short expedition to the Island…

Zina felt very ashamed… and scared… What if these people live in horror that they cannot remember the last few years of their life… maybe they, like Denis, were having nightmares…? She urgently needed to find out what happened to them…