The Island of Golden Zandolie 4. The Blue Blood

“My dear Luca, I love you too! If not for you… But this is my last chance! I am an anthropologist! Even more! Astro-anthropologist! I want and will study hybrid forms of aliens!”

“I love you more, my Quasimodo!”

Both lovers burst out laughing and, embracing, disappeared into the mansard.

A huge gray cat looked after them with displeasure from behind the shadow of a flowerpot. The cat jumped onto the chair where the unpresentable Jean-Paul, his beloved owner and brother, was just sitting. The chair was still warm.

The cat's name was Captain Nemo. He always accompanied his master on all expeditions. Not like this sugary Luca, who has never been anywhere but his Paris!

Nemo's cat did not like Luca – he was wearing too many smelly perfume and scolding Nemo if he sometimes rummaged in his favorite flowers, which were already too many on the roof. Can't you dig a little in the flowerpots once in a while? And Jean-Paul allowed his beloved cat everything! And he was too kind to that lazy butt Luca!