Five Quarters of the Orange / Пять четвертинок апельсина

“But of course, madame. I didn’t mean to offend you. If we’re to be such close neighbors we should try to accommodate each other.”

For a few seconds I was too angry even to hear the warning bell.

“What do you mean, ”close neighbors‘?“ I managed at last. ”How long do you imagine you’re going to be staying here?“

He shrugged. “Who knows?” His voice was silky. “You know the catering business, madame. Such an unpredictable thing. Crowds one day-the next, half empty. Who knows what may happen?”

The warning bells had grown to a jangle now, and I was beginning to feel cold.

“Your trailer’s on a public road,” I said dryly. “I imagine the police will move you on as soon as they spot you.”

He shook his head.

“I’ve got permission to be here, on the verge,” he told me gently. “All my papers bear scrutiny.” Then he looked at me with that insolent politeness of his. “Do yours, madame, I wonder?”

I kept my face stony, while my heart flipped over like a dying fish. He knew something. The thought spun dizzily in my head. Oh God. He knew something. I ignored his question.