The Murder of Roger Ackroyd / Убийство Роджера Экройда
‘May I examine the body properly now?’ I asked.
He nodded.
‘Go ahead.’
I made a thorough examination.
‘Well?’ said the inspector, when I had finished.
‘I’ll spare you the technical language,’ I said. ‘We’ll keep that for the inquest. The blow was delivered by a righthanded man standing behind him, and death must have been instantaneous. By the expression on the dead man’s face, I should say that the blow was quite unexpected. he may have died without knowing who his assailant was.’
‘Butlers can creep about as soft-footed as cats,’ said inspector Davis. ‘There’s not going to be much mystery about this crime. Take a look at the hilt of that dagger.’
I took the look.
‘I dare say they’re not apparent to you, but I can see them clearly enough.’ he lowered his voice. ‘Fingerprints!’
He stood off a few steps to judge of his effect.
‘Yes,’ I said mildly. ‘I guessed that.’
I do not see why I should be supposed to be totally devoid of intelligence. After all, I read detective stories, and the newspapers, and am a man of quite average ability. If there had been toe marks on the dagger handle, now, that would have been quite a different thing. I would then have registered any amount of surprise and awe.