Алиса в Стране чудес / Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, and told her in an angry tone, 'Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing here? Run home, and bring me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!'

And Alice was so much afraid that she ran off at once.

'He took me for his housemaid,' she said to herself as she ran. 'But it's better to bring him his fan and gloves-that is, if I can find them.'

As she said this, she came to a neat little house, on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name 'W. RABBIT' upon it. She went in, and hurried upstairs.

'How queer it is!' Alice said to herself. 'I am the Rabbit's servant. I think my next master will be Dinah herself!'

By this time she found her way into a tidy little room with a table by the window, and on it a fan and two or three pairs of tiny white gloves. She took up the fan and a pair of gloves, and noticed a little bottle that stood near the looking-glass. There was no label this time with the words 'DRINK ME,' but Alice opened it and put it to her lips.