Westward. Encounters with Swiss American Women
Encounters with Swiss American Women
Leo Schelbert
They Went Before: Four Historical Portraits
Essay: Women in 20th Century America
This book is Swiss American Historical Society Publication No. 29.
Fotos: Annina Bosshard (except of L. Geiser by Christoph Müller)
Selection of Historical Pictures: Leo Schelbert
Marianne Burkhard (E. Bollier, M. Burkhard, E. Carney, L. Geiser, L. Lee, M.-S. Pavlovich, M. Schlapfer, N. Schleicher, R. Schupbach) Leo Schelbert (all other texts, except own translations provided by M. Ammann Durrer and M. Bernet)
Copy Editors:
Rita Emch, New York and Wendy Everham, Wilmette, Illinois
All Rights Reserved
©2010 Susann Bosshard-Kälin, Egg, Switzerland
©2014 Limmat Verlag, Zürich
eISBN: 978-3-857-91992-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2010928492
To My Parents with Deepest Gratitude
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