Westward. Encounters with Swiss American Women

Each of my fifteen encounters from east to west was unique. In the selection of the time-witnesses I consciously eschewed typologies and was guided by neither geographical nor sociological concerns. During the three years of work, the contacts with these women intensified and wonderful friendships evolved. The time-witnesses portrayed here come from different Swiss cantons, have different familial and occupational backgrounds, and live in different regions. They tell of their diverse experience in Switzerland as well as in the United States.

What emerged is a series of impressions, of fascinating individual experiences as portrayed from a woman’s perspective. The life stories feature memories, experiences, and desires, shaped by every day life, homesickness, joy, and crisis. As told and written, they will be shielded from becoming forgotten. In encounters lasting several hours women told me of their experience with great candor in most diverse Swiss German dialects or in English. The fifteen stories show women standing between two worlds, two cultures, and two languages, – but above all people who have shaped their lives and world with a zest for life, with humor, courage, equanimity, and wisdom. I am deeply touched by them and their stories. I thank them for their trust, openness, and kindness.