Westward. Encounters with Swiss American Women

Recently Margot was asked to write an article about feminism in America. “The more I got involved, the more fascinated I became. In my career I had never experienced any incident of discrimination. My male colleagues were always polite and supportive. I strove to do my best, but never had to fight for my rights in my profession. Feminism was not really a theme for me. Therefore I was very astonished when I read Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique, and then later the Frauen im Laufgitter of the Swiss feminist Iris von Roten and became aware of their tireless efforts for the cause of women. I see how fortunate I have been. Young women today impress me as being far more aggressive, perhaps because they are in larger numbers and present more of a challenge to the men.”

Now Margot leans back in her chair and relaxes. “I stand in the final act of my place on stage. It was a pleasure to bring up so many memories and to peak through the doors into my past.” And then more to herself: “I am ready to go on to my next world any time. I take the days as they come and know that in my age ‘everything is the beginning of the end.’ I hope to be able to keep my independence and to stay in my own four walls, but if fate deems otherwise, to accept the changes with dignity.”