The Radical Singularity. Essay on Singular Phenomena

Every liberation has its consequences. There is a moment, that precise instant before things are released, which results in the inflection point that completely changes the concavity of the curve. The time before that exact point can be eternal or indeed, history. But after that moment, there will never be a way to return to the previous state. The liberated belongs precisely to this dimension. There are certain events that change not only things but also the course of things. Our civilisation is past technological acceleration and about to arrive at one of these points. It is almost as if all events lead to that culmination, to that moment just before the inflection. Of all the liberations, liberating the human being from the human is undoubtedly the most catastrophic. For this reason, we must get rid of all those ethical and moral values that limit experimentation. In Britain, headless frog clones have been produced for some time as a test for future cloning of human organs. It is believed that, if these human copies are decapitated, they will not technically be embryos. Thus, these future deposits of headless humans can be used and discarded infinitely since a certain absence in them will make us forget that we are dealing with humans.